

I would consider myself a fairly confident young woman. The slow transition from being a girl child to a grown woman is presenting many confrontations and changes within myself. After a year living abroad my concept of body image is something that I had now concluded may be a little lost on me. So, I decided to do a little research. Now we can all attest that as a result of social media we are constantly bombarded by images. Many studies have suggested and proven that a psychological effect of being bombarded by airbrushed, photogenic and athletic images works against a confident perception of self. I personally believe that each person must feel confident in their own skin. No matter the side of the body scale they measure, the texture of hair they have and the amount of melanin present or not present in their cells; All figures are due respect and love. Confidence is an intentional state of mind induced by the conviction of your personal validity irrespective of exte


I relate These are some of the most comforting words to hear from another person. They translate as; that ’ s normal, you are not alone and its okay to feel or be that way. Words of affirmation, or consolidation rather, so you navigate the situation with the perspective of not being consumed by it. Shared experience helps us to relate with the world. It may not be that particular experience that you share, but the feeling from two independent but similar experiences. When someone relates it doesn ’ t minimise an experience or enlarge it. It simply humanises it. Making that thought, idea, experience or feeling normal … whatever it is. This is a truth that is universal; we need connection. Now with social media, globalization and diversification there is so little that separates us now. Yet with all this connectivity human connection has become shallower and shallower. We feel the pressure to present ourselves in manner than doesn ’ t reflect the honest state of our inner bein


CASE V 68:   THE CULTURE It is no surprise; that being in an environment far from home gives you exposure. Often it is unclear what that exposure entails. That is until you live the experience! On the other hand, the recurrent message seems to be that the exposure in foreign environments is good for us and helps us on our path to success. What I am certain of is it allows you to open up to introspection. ‘The culture of a people is their identity as it affords them due recognition. It is their underlying distinguishing factor from other peoples and cultures. In fact, all societies across the globe have various and divergent cultures which they cherish and practice. Nevertheless, no two cultures , even when juxtaposed are absolutely identical as attested to by ethnographers. In order for a society to operate functionally and effectively, they must ensure and maintain strict and constant adherence to the various components of their culture.’ Culture is such a diffic


Today, as it is Election Day... ZIMBABWE I have decided to post one of my first published articles.  This is a passionate expression of mine about the continent of Africa as a whole which is especially relevant today. Vanessa Hodza Chisipite Senior School By “Africa”, I’m referring to the youth and future leaders of all its nations. It seems we live on a sleeping island of buried wealth and potential. We hold so many treasures in us that could lift all nations if we collaborated with each other by fostering more indigenous trade patterns and solutions. Natural  resources that can be mined, natural wonders that can be toured, intelligent minds that can be cultivated and fields that can be sown in. It would be unfortunate if all our potential remained that, Potential. Muhammad Ali once said, “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” So where do we start? Democracy? The post-colonial governments that took over the leadership and manager


Seasons Series (3 part) 1)     Seed & / tree? Little rain drops playing a drumbeat on the roof, melodiously out-of-sync. I am looking at the brewing storm from my bedroom window, particularly taken by these two tall trees located not far from my neighbour’s house behind me.                                 -              Thunder. Lightning. Storm. Thoughts, brewing… just as well. Watched an amazing movie last year called collateral beauty. Collateral beauty rather than Collateral damage; which is a phrase used to describe when something good happens but results in an adverse effect especially on usually innocent people. In order, par exemple, to be a successful and profitable business, some employees must be let go. So collateral beauty is the opposite. You see something positive as a result of a bad thing or occurence. Beauty in falling apart in a sense. It was present in this picture I was seeing. Trees standing in the storm. How fascinating is physics. You
Introduction... One must live in a manner that results in them endlessly creating themselves. The characters of old lived adventurous and fascinating lives that still inspire and influence us today because at an early stage humanity mastered the art documentation. Now journals have turned to secret dairies and blogs have become the way that the 21st century is rescuing the dying art of recording lives, thoughts, adventures, experiences and wisdom.  Do join me...  As I create myself and give insight into what that looks like for me; my faith, my writing, my fashion and philosophy. This is only because we are all philosophers. If you have a personal (not borrowed) outlook on life that you developed... you are a philosopher by right. As am I! Maybe at the end of this all, I will be one of the greats of my generation and you would have had the front seat​​ to something that, I hope, is nothing short of an amazing story and an unforgettable life. My name is Vanessa Tarumbidzw