
Showing posts from February, 2018


Seasons Series (3 part) 1)     Seed & / tree? Little rain drops playing a drumbeat on the roof, melodiously out-of-sync. I am looking at the brewing storm from my bedroom window, particularly taken by these two tall trees located not far from my neighbour’s house behind me.                                 -              Thunder. Lightning. Storm. Thoughts, brewing… just as well. Watched an amazing movie last year called collateral beauty. Collateral beauty rather than Collateral damage; which is a phrase used to describe when something good happens but results in an adverse effect especially on usually innocent people. In order, par exemple, to be a successful and profitable business, some employees must be let go. So collateral beauty is the opposite. You see something positive as a result of a bad thing or occurence. Beauty in falling apart in a sense. It was present in this picture I was seeing. Trees standing in the storm. How fascinating is physics. You
Introduction... One must live in a manner that results in them endlessly creating themselves. The characters of old lived adventurous and fascinating lives that still inspire and influence us today because at an early stage humanity mastered the art documentation. Now journals have turned to secret dairies and blogs have become the way that the 21st century is rescuing the dying art of recording lives, thoughts, adventures, experiences and wisdom.  Do join me...  As I create myself and give insight into what that looks like for me; my faith, my writing, my fashion and philosophy. This is only because we are all philosophers. If you have a personal (not borrowed) outlook on life that you developed... you are a philosopher by right. As am I! Maybe at the end of this all, I will be one of the greats of my generation and you would have had the front seat​​ to something that, I hope, is nothing short of an amazing story and an unforgettable life. My name is Vanessa Tarumbidzw