
Showing posts from December, 2019


I would consider myself a fairly confident young woman. The slow transition from being a girl child to a grown woman is presenting many confrontations and changes within myself. After a year living abroad my concept of body image is something that I had now concluded may be a little lost on me. So, I decided to do a little research. Now we can all attest that as a result of social media we are constantly bombarded by images. Many studies have suggested and proven that a psychological effect of being bombarded by airbrushed, photogenic and athletic images works against a confident perception of self. I personally believe that each person must feel confident in their own skin. No matter the side of the body scale they measure, the texture of hair they have and the amount of melanin present or not present in their cells; All figures are due respect and love. Confidence is an intentional state of mind induced by the conviction of your personal validity irrespective of exte